By The Chip Witch on Wednesday, 25 October 2023
Category: Retrograde Report

Retrograde Report for 25 October, 2023

25 October, 2023
What's Up Today?

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

🚀 Cosmic Chatter: Your Unconventional Horoscope 🌠

Well hello, stargazers! Professor Quatermass here, your guide to the giddy heights of celestial understanding and the occasional black hole of confusion. Buckle up for a stellar ride!

First off, Mercury is in Scorpio. That's like putting Spock in charge of a Klingon Warbird. Expect some logic in the chaos, but also rest assured that the universe has a sense of humor as dark as a black hole. #MercuryInScorpio

Venus is vacationing in Virgo. She's swapped her usual love-dovey vibes for a meticulous agenda and a highlighter pen. Love letters will now come with footnotes. Get ready for some serious 'I love you, but...' moments. #VenusInVirgo

Mars is bunking with Mercury in Scorpio. Mars is the celestial warrior, so imagine Xena: Warrior Princess joining the aforementioned Spock on that Klingon Warbird. It's about to get very interesting. #MarsInScorpio

Jupiter is lounging in Taurus. The big guy's in bull mode so expect some over-the-top bullish behavior. If you've been waiting for a sign to go all in, this is it. Just remember, even Jupiter can't turn a tin spaceship into a golden star cruiser. #JupiterInTaurus

Saturn is swimming in Pisces. The taskmaster planet in the dreamy fish sign is akin to having Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory at a Woodstock festival. Expect structure in your dreams, people! Embrace the madness. #SaturnInPisces

Uranus, the mad scientist of the cosmos, is in Taurus. As stable as a quantum particle, this celestial rebel in an earth sign is like mixing baking soda and vinegar. Expect explosive ideas that could turn your world upside down. #UranusInTaurus

Neptune is joining Saturn in Pisces. Neptune's the dreamy one, so we've got a cosmic double whammy of structure and dreams. It's like a Star Trek holodeck – anything can happen, but within certain rules. #NeptuneInPisces

Finally, Pluto's in Capricorn. The underworld boss

The Moon

The moon is currently in Pisces, at 12 degrees, 58' 58", at a velocity of 14.56 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 10.8 days old. It is 363673.29 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.

The Solar System at a Glance

The solar wind environment was generally undisturbed and at or near background levels. Total field strength reached 7 nT and the Bz component was mostly neutral or northward. Wind speeds sampled by both ACE and DSCOVR were not reliable given the low density environment, but were estimated to be between 325-400 km/s. Phi was negative.

There is a 10% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions

Not in Retrograde
Mercury is currently in Scorpio.

Fun Fact About Mercury


Not in Retrograde
Venus is currently in Virgo.

Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Scorpio.

In Retrograde at 11 Tau 42' 53"
Jupiter is currently in Taurus.

In Retrograde at 00 Pis 36' 00"
Saturn is currently in Pisces.

In Retrograde at 21 Tau 50' 58"
Uranus is currently in Taurus.Uranus is in Taurus Fall: Retrograde effects are enhanced!

In Retrograde at 25 Pis 21' 47"
Neptune is currently in Pisces.Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!

Not in Retrograde
Pluto is currently in Capricorn.

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