We'll all get straight to the point when mental Mercury is in assertive Aries! Aries waits for no one, so this transit is a time when our minds may grow a little (or a lot) more restless and impatient. We won't stand still or replay the tape in our minds over and over again, we'll want to charge ahead and move onto the next thing.
Mercury in Aries is also great for opening the lines of communication and giving us the encouragement we need to say exactly what we think and feel. Since Aries is the sign of "me," we'll have the confidence to speak our minds. However, our desire to say exactly what we're thinking could become a problem when cooperation, compromise, and sensitivity are required.
Our thoughts and speech may become more courageous and innovative when Mercury and Aries get together. Flashes of insight make it easier for us to think of fresh solutions to problems that have been hanging over our heads for too long. Don't second-guess yourself. Your first thoughts are often your best ones during this transit. Catch this inspiration as fast as you can, because the Aries influence means these bursts of brilliance will disappear just as quickly as they appeared.
When Venus moves through Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, it offers us all a chance to make a fresh start in matters of love, money, and self-awareness. Old patterns and lackluster relationships have no place anymore once Venus enters Aries. Instead, we thrive on new experiences and adventurous encounters, and we're more spontaneous in our pursuit of pleasure.
Aries is a highly independent sign that is largely focused on itself and its own interests. Therefore, love and relationships can sometimes seem selfish or imbalanced during Venus' transit through Aries. But for the single lover, this can be an amazing time to identify your own needs and explore your options -- Venus in Aries ignites a courageous fire under us that makes us more confident and assertive when meeting and interacting with others. And for those in relationships, exploring each other's personal desires and experiencing new things together is a surefire way to reignite the fire between you. So while it seems like there's a very self-centered air to Venus in Aries, it's really about enhancing your love life by way of yourself.
In terms of money, Venus in Aries is a time to invest in yourself -- not on major purchases or long-term investments, but with exciting things that boost your confidence and your zest for life. A new outfit, hairstyle, or an active weekend getaway will revitalize you and add to your fulfillment. Beware though, we want instant gratification under Venus in Aries, and you could go overboard on your spending without considering the consequences.
Overall Venus in Aries isn't a time to fall deeply in love or make long-term commitments. Think of it more like a test phase where you get to taste different flavors before you settle on just one. It's about living in the moment, without fear from the past or concern for the future. It's a time to go after what you desire, and not settle for anything less.
"Aries: Hold onto Your Horns, Galactic Shenanigans Ahead; Mars is Trying to Steal Your Netflix Password!"
The next Aries will start in 137 days, at Wednesday, 20 March, 2024
The Moon moves to Aries in 19 days, at Thursday, 23 November, 2023
Mercury moves to Aries in 127 days, at Sunday, 10 March, 2024
Venus moves to Aries in 153 days, at Friday, 05 April, 2024
Mars moves to Aries in 179 days, at Wednesday, 01 May, 2024
The Third Quarter moon is currently 21.2 days old. The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.
Hello, Aries! Oh, you fiery rams. I'm sure you're eager to ram headfirst into your destiny, aren't you? But hold onto your space helmets as we take a warp-speed journey through the cosmos of your upcoming week!
The Third Quarter moon is 21.2 days old, just like that time when Quark tried to sell slightly used self-sealing stem bolts... but I digress. This waning phase of the moon, my dear Aries, is all about letting go. Don't worry, I'm not suggesting to jettison your precious collection of Klingon opera holograms into deep space. Rather, consider what in your life might be as useful as a Ferengi without a profit motive.
This week, the universe is whispering to you to make like a Bajoran wormhole and open yourself up to new possibilities. Keep in mind, however, that not every Cardassian vole that scurries into sight is a threat. Sometimes they’re just looking for a warm conduit.
Your starship's auxiliary power might be running low, but remember, even the Enterprise had its off days. Take this time to recharge your dilithium crystals, maybe even recalibrate your warp core. Who knows, you might find a new sense of purpose, or at the very least, a new favorite flavor of replicated tea.
In closing, dear Aries, remember that life isn't always about setting your phasers to stun or charging towards the next interstellar conflict. Sometimes, it's about appreciating the beauty of a binary sunset or the simple joy of a perfectly steeped cup of Earl Grey.
Live long and prosper, my friends.
#3rdQuarterMoonVibes #AriesAstrology #OutOfThisWorldInsight #StarTrekHoroscopes
Remember, I'm just your friendly neighborhood astrologer, not a Q. My advice and predictions come with a disclaimer: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Or as the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition state, "A contract is a contract is a contract... but only between Ferengi."
SignToday Is Posting: 04.11.2023 07:02:50 (ari-04-11-2023)
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