The next Gemini will start in 57 days (Wednesday, 21 May, 2025, 00:27 UTC)

The Moon moves to Gemini in 8 days (Wednesday, 02 April, 2025, 00:27 UTC)

Mercury moves to Gemini in 63 days (Tuesday, 27 May, 2025, 00:27 UTC)

Venus moves to Gemini in 102 days (Saturday, 05 July, 2025, 00:27 UTC)

Jupiter is currently in Gemini

Uranus moves to Gemini in 105 days (Tuesday, 08 July, 2025, 00:27 UTC)

gemini May 22 – June 21

Gemini is the 3rd Sign of the Zodiac. Lovers of talking, Gemini individuals love to interact with others, and are found to be very sociable people. Also, being intellectually inclined, Gemini love to gather as much information as they possibly can, and they will also, without hesitation, share this information with their loved ones, as this gives them much fun. Most Gemini are versatile, lively, quick-witted and enthusiastic people, whose company is rarely boring. Gemini would choose the career that keeps them busy enough, and one that offers ample opportunities to communicate.

Gemini are also skillful and talented, when it comes to work involving their hands and gross motor skills, but they don’t usually prefer repetitive tasks. Thus, the careers, which demand new ideas, plenty of communication and fresh, new approach are ideal for Gemini. Career options for Gemini may typically include teaching, sales, writing, presenting or emceeing, inventing, acting, product development, journalism, newscasting, or DJs. However, this very need for the new and fresh may make the Gemini a tad unreliable and shifty.

Geminis are known to have dual personalities or double-minds, which frequently makes them wavering in their desires and choices. Gemini are also discredited for being low on concentration and listening skills. Nonetheless, in their closest relationships, Gemini are seen to be loyal and faithful. When in love, Gemini are versatile, entertaining, inquisitive and stimulating. They also take a good care of the needs of their family. At all levels in a marriage, Gemini stand for equality, so female Geminis may pursue their careers, even after having children. Geminis also have many friends, and they are alert and watchful to the needs of their friendships.

Gemini is the playful horoscope Zodiac sign, quick to laughter and just as quick to make others burst into it. The motivation of Gemini in the horoscope is basically just trying to have some fun. Not as any disrespect of the formidable treasure of life, but as a way of making the best of it, without ignoring either its magnitude or its ups and downs. Inside, the Gemini Zodiac sign is just as serious as everyone else. The fun and the entertainment are remedies for the eternal loneliness of the soul and the dreadful blows that life is sure to strike us all with, now and then. The Gemini horoscope sign ponders the conditions of life in this world, but that’s no reason not to find the humor in it.

Gemini is the astrological sign of the Twins, and the most prominent twins of history are Castor and Pollux of Greek and Roman mythology. One was born mortal, the other immortal. When the mortal one died, the other asked Zeus to divide his immortality with his brother, so that they could both live on forever. Zeus did so by turning them into the stellar constellation Gemini.

Geminis always tend to think logically. They are the most rational people and very fast thinkers. Their minds will never be at rest. Mercury, their ruling planet, makes them sound and considerate when it comes to emotional matters. Geminis are always into excessive mental activities. Anything new they come across becomes a subject of research and knowledge for them. On the other hand, Gemini men and women sometimes tend to make simple things complex. This nature of theirs makes life very unpredictable. Sometimes it’s also very difficult for one to understand what kind of a person they originally are. Geminis are also very superficial in nature, which may end up creating huge misunderstanding for them. They also have a “Know-All” attitude. With little knowledge on many things, they pretend to know it all.

You can never predict the mood of a Gemini. They go through tremendous mood swings and have multiple personality traits. No one can predict their way of reacting to any given situation. They are the most versatile people you would find around. They are capable of handling multiple things at a time. The multi tasking quality of the Geminis helps them indulge into many things and balance between them all. They are best at keeping cool while handling many things at a time. Most of the time it would be very difficult to find a committed Gemini. They love to flirt around and would avoid going near to anywhere, where they would have to commit. They do not want to take relationships seriously. The superficial side of the Geminis forces them to think that flirting is easy but commitment is too difficult for them. Geminis love to experiment with their life all the time. They would give in to anything that is new. Be it food, clothes, or a new adventure, they are ever ready to take a plunge. This makes them very interesting person to spend time with. Flexibility is something that defines a Gemini very vividly. They adapt to or accept any given situation.

The strengths of Geminis distinguish them from the other signs of the zodiac chart. Geminis are the most spirited people. Their energy is so contagious that others would be quick to note it. Geminis are also recognized for their witty comments. They are clever and quick to recognize a problem in a situation, which make them great problem solvers. They are likely to come up with a solution to a problem before others.

Geminis are known to be inconsistent in whatever they do. It is their changeable character that makes them difficult for other people to understand. Geminis are also known to move on quickly and often don’t carry baggage from the past, which can make people think that they are insensitive. Their changeable nature may especially create problems in romantic relation with Gemini. Geminis often lack in depth. They can also harbor envy and suspicion in their minds even against the people close to them.

Geminis are dual people. Just like their astrological sign they are many faceted people. They are quick witted and physically active. You will find Geminis always bubbling with energy and vitality. They are also the people who are clever with words and great speakers. They are intelligent and adapt quickly to a situation. Geminis are curious and always eager to know about things happening around them, which can also make them nosy parkers at times. They are ultimate social butterflies and always remain the centre of attraction in parties and social gatherings. But they don’t like digging deep into a situation, which leave them shallow. They would rather prefer to stay naïve than facing a depressing truth.