We are currently in the sign of Aries

The next Aries will start in 358 days (Friday, 20 March, 2026, 18:00 UTC)

The Moon moves to Aries tomorrow (Saturday, 29 March, 2025, 18:00 UTC)

Mercury is currently in Aries

Mercury moves to Aries in 20 days (Wednesday, 16 April, 2025, 18:00 UTC)

Venus moves to Aries in 34 days (Wednesday, 30 April, 2025, 18:00 UTC)

Saturn moves to Aries in 59 days (Sunday, 25 May, 2025, 18:00 UTC)

Neptune moves to Aries in 3 days (Sunday, 30 March, 2025, 18:00 UTC)

 The Sun

The Sun In Aries

When the Sun moves into Aries, the very first sign of the zodiac, we come back to life with a surge of excitement and motivation!

This transit initiates the spring season and a brand-new astrological year, so it’s a grand time for new beginnings. We don’t have to know where we’ll wind up, nor will we have all our strategies in place yet. The Sun in Aries is about putting things in motion, knowing we can improvise from here. 

The Aries Sun encourages us to let go of the past and the future in order to live fully in the present moment. Aries is not here to make us comfortable. It is here to spark the imagination, put a burr in the saddle, and help us start anew. It’s Aries’ pioneering energy that propels us forward, breaking old habits and patterns so we can discover new worlds.

Take the lead. Fearless Aries is a natural born leader, so adopt this courageous energy for yourself now and use it to go after something you want. But watch out that you're not going too fast. Impulsive Aries is in such a hurry to get ahead that they don’t always think about what they are doing or saying. Spontaneity is great, but if you rush too quickly you could hurt yourself or others -- both mentally and physically. Take a moment to look where you’re going and think before you speak while the Sun is in Aries.

Look for excitement! Whatever happens while the Sun is in Aries, you’re likely to be seeking out things that are new and fun and bold and different. It’s time to shake off your same-old dull routine and seize life with the renewed energy of the bold, bright Aries Sun!


Mercury In Aries

We'll all get straight to the point when mental Mercury is in assertive Aries! Aries waits for no one, so this transit is a time when our minds may grow a little (or a lot) more restless and impatient. We won't stand still or replay the tape in our minds over and over again, we'll want to charge ahead and move onto the next thing.

Mercury in Aries is also great for opening the lines of communication and giving us the encouragement we need to say exactly what we think and feel. Since Aries is the sign of "me," we'll have the confidence to speak our minds. However, our desire to say exactly what we're thinking could become a problem when cooperation, compromise, and sensitivity are required.

Our thoughts and speech may become more courageous and innovative when Mercury and Aries get together. Flashes of insight make it easier for us to think of fresh solutions to problems that have been hanging over our heads for too long. Don't second-guess yourself. Your first thoughts are often your best ones during this transit. Catch this inspiration as fast as you can, because the Aries influence means these bursts of brilliance will disappear just as quickly as they appeared.

The Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries

"Moon Ditches Pisces to Join Aries: These ARE the Shifts You're Looking For!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Pisces to Aries in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Aries

Your passion and energy are on point while the moon is in Aries, so beware of being too self-focused and making rash and impulsive decisions during this time - and watch your temper! Perhaps you should put that energy into some exercise. Get out and move! Now is a good time to start a new project (but not one you can't finish!). But again, keep an eye out for impulsive decisions or picking fights, because remember - everyone else is feeling that impulsiveness as well!

Let that mysterious thing captivate you while the moon is in Aries. Go ahead and give yourself permission to explore, and don't worry about going it alone. Your independence will serve you well.

Full Moon In Aries

A full moon in Aries suggests it's a good time to balance your needs with the needs of others. During the Full Moon in Aries, it's time to reap the benefits of what you did during the Aries new moon. During the Full Moon in Aries, which happens in autumn when the Sun is in Libra, rather than wanting to plant the seeds, this is the time when we want to cultivate the energy, to harvest the seeds that we planted six months ago during the New Moon in Aries back in spring. So the Aries Full Moon is the time when those things that we started to do, that were brand new, are now either coming to fruition and working, or not. If the seeds we planted are working for us, we then have to cultivate the crop, we have to harvest -- we have to do something with it. And if it’s not working, it’s time to let it go and to move on to something else.

#Moon #Aries #Pisces

Greetings, celestial aficionados! Today we're taking a gander at our homegrown satellite, the Moon. Grab your telescopes and buckle up for the cosmic version of changing lanes on the intergalactic freeway! As the Moon makes its merry way from the dreamy realm of Pisces to the fiery sign of Aries, we can expect a shift as dramatic as a Star Trek season finale. No, there won't be any Vulcan death grips involved, but brace yourselves for a fascinating ride nonetheless! The Moon has been chilling in Pisces, floating along like a microbe in a petri dish, dreaming about the mysteries of the universe (or was it just binging on sci-fi series?). But now, dear Moon, it's time to leave the comfort of your nebulous Netflix nest and channel some raw Aries energy. Now, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of drive and ambition. It's like the Tony Stark of the zodiac - all about action, adventure, and occasionally forgetting where it parked its spaceship. As the Moon moves into Aries, you'll feel a surge of energy that's more potent than a double expresso shot from the Milky Way Cafe. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility (Thank you, Uncle Ben/Spiderman). Don't allow this newfound energy to make you reckless. Think of it as gaining superpowers; you wouldn't want to accidentally obliterate a planet while trying to microwave popcorn, would you? To sum it up, this lunar transition from Pisces to Aries is like swapping a meditation retreat for a round in the boxing ring. Embrace the change, channel your inner Jedi, and let's boldly go where no moon has gone before! #MoonInAries #AstrologyNerd #FromPiscesToAries #GalacticGiggles #ScienceAndStarDust

Moon, Pisces, Aries

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