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6 January, 2020
What's Up Today?

Mercury next enters retrograde in 43 days.

Uranus is currently in retrograde, with 5 days left.

Solar activity was very low this period. Region 2755 (S35E09, Axx/alpha) continued as a quiet single spot. No Earth-directed CMEs were detected in available coronagraph imagery.

There is currently only one planet in retrograde.

uranus Spazzing out is a pretty common thing during a Uranus retrograde because self expression seems much more important. The thing is, while standard pat advice is to “be yourself”, nobody actually wants that. Sometimes, this is because you’re just a jerk but other times, it’s because they’re not comfortable. Is that really your problem? Well, that’s a question you need to answer, not someone else.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters, as measured by the ACE spacecraft, suggested influence from the southern crown coronal hole. Total magnetic field strength reached 15 nT 05/1743 UTC and gradually decreased to around 6 nT by the periods end. The Bz component reached as far south as -14 nT at 05/1742 UTC. Solar wind speeds steadily increased from near 375 km/s to a peak of 482 km/s at 05/2041 UTC. Phi angle was variable through the period but ended the day primarily in the negative sector.

There is a 20% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 18 February, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 13 May, 2020

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Next Retrograde starts on 9 September, 2020

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Next Retrograde starts on 14 May, 2020

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Next Retrograde starts on 11 May, 2020

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In Retrograde at 02 Tau 39' 32"
Retrograde ends on 11 January, 2020

Uranus is in Taurus fall: retrograde effects modified!

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 23 June, 2020

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Not in Retrograde
Next Retrograde starts on 25 April, 2020

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The moon is currently at 22 Tau 32' 01"

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