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17 August, 2022
What's Up Today?

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:


Jupiter is currently in retrograde, with 99 days left.

Hints While Jupiter Is In Retrograde

This retrograde shows you where your excess and greed might be a little out of control. It can also illuminate those areas where you’re a bit less the doer than you ought to be. That said, it will also point out where you have been leaping before you look. In other words, Jupiter retrograde is a great time to consider your actions before you take them. Resist the urge to take risks and really think about those major decisions. Better, find a project that you've put aside and dust it off! Finish it, and even bring some fresh, new attention to those things to left behind in the past.


Saturn is currently in retrograde, with 67 days left.

Hints While Saturn Is In Retrograde

Usually known as a time when things are just obnoxiously limiting, this is supposed to be a time where you look at what kind of responsibilities are important to you and how you not only handle that, but how you actually work to make that happen. Give thought to your goals. Resist the urge to grab that immediate shiny thing and let it go until later. It'll still be there.


Neptune is currently in retrograde, with 109 days left.

Hints While Neptune In In Retrograde

We get one Neptune retrograde a year but it lasts for a little over 5 months. If you have had areas of your life where you’re not being quite as honest with yourself as you should be, you might be getting your cognitive dissonance thumped pretty hard. Lies, no matter how many people tell them, no matter how much you try to convince yourself otherwise, are not the truth. Neptune retrograde is usually a time when the truth comes stomping on in and whether you sit down and look at it or not is entirely up to you.


Pluto is currently in retrograde, with 53 days left.

Hints While Pluto Is In Retrograde

Don’t expect that transformative events just kind of slow down and things mellow during this retrograde cycle, because it does not work that way. Pluto’s going backwards alright, right down into your shadow. It’s a good time to unpack some baggage lest you start projection vomiting it everywhere. And speaking of projection, pay particular attention to not projecting your issues on others. Pluto retrograde is a great time to take care of your issues.

The Moon

The moon is currently in Taurus, at 02 degrees, 10' 14", at a velocity of 12.84 degrees per day.

The Third Quarter moon is currently 20.3 days old. It is 389854.64 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 8:16:55, 27 Aug 2022. The next full moon is at 9:58:51, 10 Sep 2022.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters remained near nominal levels. Solar wind speed decreased to average near 375 km/s, total field averaged around 4 nT, and Bz observed no significant southward deviations. Phi was positive until after 16/1200 UTC when it began to oscillate between sectors, landing in a mostly negative orientation after 16/1600 UTC.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 30% chance of a minor event, a 15% chance of a moderate event, and a 5% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions
Not in Retrograde
Mercury is currently in Virgo located at 19 Vir 35' 58"
Next Retrograde starts on 10 September, 2022

Fun Fact About Mercury

Not in Retrograde
Venus is currently in Leo located at 06 Leo 43' 34"
Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Taurus located at 28 Tau 11' 19"
Next Retrograde starts on 30 October, 2022
In Retrograde at 08 Ari 06' 13"
Jupiter is currently in Aries located at 08 Ari 06' 13"
Retrograde ends on 23 November, 2022
In Retrograde at 21 Aqu 42' 32"
Saturn is currently in Aquarius located at 21 Aqu 42' 32"
Retrograde ends on 23 October, 2022
Saturn is in Aquarius Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
Not in Retrograde
Uranus is currently in Taurus located at 18 Tau 53' 54"
Next Retrograde starts on 24 August, 2022
In Retrograde at 24 Pis 49' 27"
Neptune is currently in Pisces located at 24 Pis 49' 27"
Retrograde ends on 04 December, 2022
Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
In Retrograde at 26 Cap 42' 49"
Pluto is currently in Capricorn located at 26 Cap 42' 49"
Retrograde ends on 08 October, 2022
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