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15 July, 2023
What's Up Today?

There are currently 3 planets in retrograde:

Nerdy Astrology with a Twist

Today's Cosmic Forecast

Greetings, star gazers! Your friendly neighborhood astro-nerd is here with your latest cosmic update. Ready? No? Well, too bad because the universe isn't waiting!


Alright, folks, Mercury is in Leo, and that means it's time to be bold, loud, and maybe even a bit dramatic. But remember, nobody loves a drama queen (unless you're on a reality tv show, then go for it!). So, use your words wisely, and try not to roar too loud.


Venus is also lounging in Leo, which could spark some serious passion in your love life. If you suddenly find yourself writing poetry or serenading under someone's window... well, don't say I didn't warn you.


Mars in Virgo? Now that's a recipe for getting things done. You might feel a sudden urge to organize your sock drawer at 2 am. Don't fight it. Embrace the chaos of cleanliness. Just remember to get some sleep, okay?


With Jupiter in Taurus, we're all feeling a little extra grounded. This could mean finally committing to that terrarium project you've been putting off. Or maybe it's time to invest in that eco-friendly hemp shoe business. Whatever it is, now's the time to plant those seeds!


Saturn is hanging out in Pisces, which might stir up some deep emotions. Don't be surprised if you suddenly find yourself crying over a cute video of a kitten. It's okay, we've all been there.


Uranus in Taurus is pushing us towards radical changes, so if you've been thinking about dyeing your hair green or starting your own organic mushroom farm, now's the time to do it! Just remember to check if those mushrooms are legal

The Moon

The moon is currently in Gemini, at 24 degrees, 15' 26", at a velocity of 12.33 degrees per day.

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 27.2 days old. It is 395414.35 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 18:33:06, 17 Jul 2023. The next full moon is at 18:33:26, 1 Aug 2023.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters were indicative of CME shock arrival, likely from the 11 Jul event. At 14/1526 UTC total field increased to 14 nT and has since increased to 18 nT. The Bz component began the period deflecting southward reaching up to -10 nT before settling northward at or near neutral for several hours. Then, shortly after shock arrival, the Bz component of the field deflected southward up to -12 nT before shifting northward. During shock arrival solar wind speeds abruptly increased from near 385 Km/s to 441 Km/s, and have since averaged between that peak and ~400 Km/s. Phi alternated between solar sectors throughout the period.

There is a 25% chance of solar activity, with a 35% chance of a minor event, a 20% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions
Not in Retrograde
Mercury is currently in Leo.

Fun Fact About Mercury

Not in Retrograde
Venus is currently in Leo.
Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Virgo.
Not in Retrograde
Jupiter is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 06 Pis 36' 17"
Saturn is currently in Pisces.
Not in Retrograde
Uranus is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 27 Pis 37' 54"
Neptune is currently in Pisces.Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
In Retrograde at 29 Cap 17' 24"
Pluto is currently in Capricorn.
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