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26 July, 2023
What's Up Today?

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:


Alright cosmic voyagers, buckle up! It's time to navigate the celestial seas of the cosmos, a.k.a. your weekly horoscope. But don't worry, I'll be your Obi-Wan in this galaxy far, far away...

First off, let's talk about Mercury and Venus hanging out in Leo, like a couple of galactic party animals. You may find yourself drawn to all things shiny, extravagant, Yep, that's right, we're channeling our inner Chewbacca here, folks. Embrace your inner Wookiee, let your hair down (even if it's just metaphorical). #WookieeVibes

Mars is being a total Virgo, not unlike our beloved C-3PO. Always planning, always fussing. If you find yourself overthinking every little detail, take a breath. Remember, sometimes the Force just needs a bit of space to do its thing. Chill out, Mars. #OverthinkingIt

Meanwhile, Jupiter's making itself comfy in Taurus, the zodiac's own Jabba the Hutt. Hey, no judgment here. If you feel like indulging a bit, go for it. Just remember what happened to Jabba—don't get too carried away. #IndulgeWisely

Saturn's hanging out in Pisces, bringing out its inner Yoda. Deep, imaginative, and slightly mysterious. Tap into that wisdom, friends, but remember to keep things light. No one likes a brooding Jedi. #YodasWisdom

Uranus in Taurus? That's a double dose of earthiness that might make you feel as grounded as an Ewok in a treehouse. Enjoy this solid foundation, but don’t forget to come down and explore once in a while. #GroundedEwok

Neptune in Pisces has us all feeling a little like Luke Skywalker staring off into the twin suns of Tatooine. Dreamy, longing, and a tad emotional. Feel those feels, but don’t forget there's a whole galaxy out there waiting for you. #TatooineDreams

Finally, Pluto in Capricorn, like Darth Vader ruling with an iron fist. Discipline, structure, and a touch of ruthlessness. Harness this energy, but remember, the dark side isn

The Moon

The moon is currently in Scorpio, at 06 degrees, 53' 06", at a velocity of 12.72 degrees per day.

The First Quarter moon is currently 7.7 days old. It is 388773.49 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:38:49, 16 Aug 2023. The next full moon is at 1:37:05, 31 Aug 2023.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters were indicative of a slow regime until approximately 25/2155 UTC, when a shock was observed at L1. Total field was steady at 6 nT before increasing to a maximum of 15 nT. Total field was at benign levels before reaching a maximum southward deviation of -11 nT. Solar wind speed increased from ~380-550 km/s. Phi was predominantly negative.

There is a 35% chance of solar activity, with a 15% chance of a minor event, a 5% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions
Not in Retrograde
Mercury is currently in Leo.

Fun Fact About Mercury

In Retrograde at 28 Leo 24' 15"
Venus is currently in Leo.
Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Virgo.
Not in Retrograde
Jupiter is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 06 Pis 03' 20"
Saturn is currently in Pisces.
Not in Retrograde
Uranus is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 27 Pis 31' 01"
Neptune is currently in Pisces.Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
In Retrograde at 29 Cap 01' 43"
Pluto is currently in Capricorn.
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