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15 August, 2023
What's Up Today?

There are currently 4 planets in retrograde:

Greetings, my celestial comrades! Let's buckle up and get ready to embark on an intergalactic journey through this week's cosmic forecast. This ride might be bumpier than navigating an asteroid field in a vintage '79 Nostromo spacecraft, so don't forget your space helmets!

First off, Mercury is having a little "me" time in Virgo. Kind of like that time Ripley had to face off against the Xenomorph alone? Just remember, even when communication gets as twisted as an Alien's tail, you've got this. #MercuryInVirgo #RipleyRealness

Venus, our galactic goddess of love, is currently being the drama queen of the cosmos in Leo. Expect romance to be as flamboyant as a Xenomorph queen during mating season. Embrace it, love can be outlandishly beautiful! #VenusInLeo #AlienLoveStory

Meanwhile, Mars, the red warrior planet, is also hanging out in Virgo. Now, I'm not saying this is like having two Xenomorphs in the same escape pod, but... actually, that's exactly what I'm saying. Tensions might run high, folks! #MarsInVirgo #DoubleXenomorphTrouble

Jupiter, the big guy of the solar system, is just chilling in Taurus. Think of it like the space jockey - big, imposing, but ultimately harmless. Expect expansions in areas of comfort and stability. #JupiterInTaurus #SpaceJockeyComfortZone

Saturn is splashing around in the dreamy seas of Pisces. If things start feeling as weird as a face-hugger's kiss, just remember: it's all part of the cosmic plan. #SaturnInPisces #FaceHuggerKisses

Uranus in Taurus is shaking things up like a chestburster at dinnertime. Expect the unexpected, and keep a napkin handy. You'll never know what's going to pop up. #UranusInTaurus #ChestbursterSurprises

Neptune is also spending some quality time in Pisces, which should help smooth out any rough edges. It's like the soothing balm after a rough encounter with a Xenomorph. #NeptuneInPisces #XenomorphAftercare

The Moon

The moon is currently in Leo, at 09 degrees, 37' 59", at a velocity of 11.89 degrees per day.

The New moon is currently 28.5 days old. It is 404781.61 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 9:38:49, 16 Aug 2023. The next full moon is at 1:37:05, 31 Aug 2023.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters were at nominal, background levels. Total magnetic field strength was at or below 5 nT and its Bz component was unremarkable. Solar wind speeds trended below 350 km/s through the day. The phi angle remained variable.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions
Not in Retrograde
Mercury is currently in Virgo.

Fun Fact About Mercury

In Retrograde at 19 Leo 21' 59"
Venus is currently in Leo.
Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Virgo.
Not in Retrograde
Jupiter is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 04 Pis 44' 24"
Saturn is currently in Pisces.
Not in Retrograde
Uranus is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 27 Pis 10' 09"
Neptune is currently in Pisces.Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
In Retrograde at 28 Cap 34' 22"
Pluto is currently in Capricorn.
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