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26 August, 2023
What's Up Today?

There are currently 5 planets in retrograde:

Hey there, my astrological voyagers! If you're as excited as a Tribble at a grain convention about planetary retrograde, then lean closer to your screens and let's take a warp-speed journey through the cosmic dance happening above us.

First off, Mercury in Virgo is like Quark trying to balance his books. It’s all about details, details, details. You might feel an urge to edit, revise, and organize every part of your life, even down to your sock drawer. So, buckle up and get ready for some serious decluttering! #MercuryInVirgo #SockDrawerGoals

Meanwhile, Venus in Leo is busier than a holodeck on a Starfleet shore leave. This is prime time to strut your stuff, just like a confident Captain Kirk. So go ahead, show the universe your unique sparkle! #VenusInLeo #CaptainKirkStrut

Mars in Virgo is like Data running a system diagnostic. It’s all about precision, efficiency, and maybe a touch of perfectionism. Whether it's conquering a new skill or fine-tuning an old one, now's the time to get strategic. #MarsInVirgo #DataDiagnosticMode

Jupiter in Taurus is more comforting than a bowl of Raktajino. It's a time of abundance, growth, and perhaps a little indulgence. So, why not treat yourself? You've earned it. #JupiterInTaurus #RaktajinoReady

Saturn in Pisces is a bit like Spock meditating on Vulcan. It's time to dig deep, reflect, and learn from past experiences. But remember, it's okay to let emotions flow too. Remember, Vulcans do have emotions, they just hide them well. #SaturnInPisces #SpockReflections

Uranus in Taurus might feel like being caught in a time loop with Captain Picard. Expect the unexpected, and get ready for changes. But remember, with change comes growth, so hang on tight! #UranusInTaurus #PicardTimeLoop

Neptune in Pisces, that's like the Prophets in the celestial temple. Dreams may seem more vivid, intuition stronger. Listen to what your inner self is trying to tell you. #NeptuneInPisces #Proph

The Moon

The moon is currently in Sagittarius, at 25 degrees, 51' 52", at a velocity of 13.97 degrees per day.

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 9.3 days old. It is 372612.83 km from the centre of the Earth.

The next new moon is at 1:40:05, 15 Sep 2023. The next full moon is at 9:58:21, 29 Sep 2023.

The Solar System at a Glance

Solar wind parameters were indicative of a return to a slow regime. Total IMF strength was mostly 2-5 nT, while the Bz component underwent mainly weak deviations. Solar wind speed began the period at 450-500 km/s, but decreased to 350-400 km/s. The phi angle was mostly positive, but underwent negative sector deviations, especially between 25/0000-0700 UTC.

There is a 15% chance of solar activity, with a 1% chance of a minor event, a 1% chance of a moderate event, and a 1% chance of a strong event.

Planetary Motions
In Retrograde at 21 Vir 34' 15"
Mercury is currently in Virgo.Mercury is in Virgo Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!

Fun Fact About Mercury

In Retrograde at 13 Leo 45' 08"
Venus is currently in Leo.
Not in Retrograde
Mars is currently in Virgo.
Not in Retrograde
Jupiter is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 03 Pis 55' 05"
Saturn is currently in Pisces.
Not in Retrograde
Uranus is currently in Taurus.
In Retrograde at 26 Pis 54' 57"
Neptune is currently in Pisces.Neptune is in Pisces Rulership: Retrograde effects are enhanced!
In Retrograde at 28 Cap 21' 08"
Pluto is currently in Capricorn.
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