The next Capricorn will start in 289 days (Monday, 22 December, 2025, 14:52 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 14 days (Saturday, 22 March, 2025, 14:52 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 300 days (Friday, 02 January, 2026, 14:52 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 292 days (Thursday, 25 December, 2025, 14:52 UTC)

Mars moves to Capricorn in 282 days (Monday, 15 December, 2025, 14:52 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.

Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, Prepare for Galactic Shenanigans: Even Saturn's Rings Can't Hold You Back This Week!"

The next Capricorn will start in 151 days, at Sunday, 22 December, 2024

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 23 days, at Friday, 16 August, 2024

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 169 days, at Thursday, 09 January, 2025

Venus moves to Capricorn in 111 days, at Tuesday, 12 November, 2024

Pluto moves to Capricorn in 40 days, at Monday, 02 September, 2024

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18 days old. The next new moon is at 11:14:21, 4 Aug 2024. The next full moon is at 18:28:35, 19 Aug 2024.

Greetings, my steadfast Capricorns! As the moon hangs in the night sky like a freshly baked cookie cooling in the cosmic kitchen, I can't help but think of you. With the moon at 18 days old, we're officially in the #WaningGibbous phase. But don't let that fancy terminology fool you; it basically means the moon is going through its 'mid-life crisis.' So, what's in store for you? Well, as you know, a waning moon is all about release and letting go – kind of like when you finally admit those skinny jeans from 2005 aren't coming back in style. #TimeToLetGo The universe is nudging you to look at your life from a different angle. Have you ever tried looking at your problems while standing on your head? It might not solve them, but you'll get a good laugh and a rush of blood to the head. And sometimes, that’s all you need to see things differently. #HeadRushWisdom Practical as ever, you Capricorns may find this all a bit too 'airy-fairy' for your liking. "Where's the cold hard facts? The concrete evidence?" I hear you ask. Well, my dear earth sign, remember that even science agrees - energy cannot be created nor destroyed, only transformed. So, why not transform some of that stubborn energy into something a bit more fun? Maybe a new hobby, or even a pet rock. #EnergyCannotBeCreatedOrDestroyed #PetRockRevival As we move through this phase, be prepared to shed the unnecessary baggage that's been weighing you down. Whether it's old beliefs, grudges, or that collection of novelty socks. Remember, just as the moon shrinks, so should your propensity for holding onto things that no longer serve you. #ShrinkingMoonShrinkingProblems So, brace yourself Capricorns, and remember, even in the darkest night, the stars are still there. You just have to squint a bit harder to see them. #StarsAlwaysShine Until next time, keep reaching for the moon, even if you end up among the stars. Or in a tree. The universe isn’t picky. #ReachForTheMoon


SignToday Is Posting: 24.07.2024 08:32:02 (cap-24-07-2024)

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