The next Gemini will start in 21 days (Monday, 20 May, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

The Moon moves to Gemini in 10 days (Thursday, 09 May, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

Mercury moves to Gemini in 35 days (Monday, 03 June, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

Venus moves to Gemini in 25 days (Friday, 24 May, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

Mars moves to Gemini in 83 days (Sunday, 21 July, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

Jupiter moves to Gemini in 27 days (Sunday, 26 May, 2024, 20:06 UTC)

There are no planets in Gemini at this time.


Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this sign between May 21 and June 21. Gemini is represented by the twins Castor and Pollux.

Gemini Report

"Great Scott, Gemini! Prepare for Twin Paradoxes and Time Travelling Twists in your Love Life!"


Gemini Report

"Double Trouble! Gemini's Two Faces Rendezvous with Mars: Expect a Galactic Dance-off!"


Gemini Report

"Planetary Traffic Alert: Gemini, Brace for Unexpected Cosmic U-turns. Don't Forget Your Space Seatbelt!"


Gemini Report

"Universe to Gemini: Prepare for a Cosmic Hokey-Pokey! Time to Put Your Left Foot In, Out, and Shake It All About!"


Gemini Report

"Gemini, Your Love Life's About to Go Supernova...Better Grab a Heat Shield!"
