The next Leo will start in 132 days (Wednesday, 23 July, 2025, 04:49 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo in 24 days (Sunday, 06 April, 2025, 04:49 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 106 days (Friday, 27 June, 2025, 04:49 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 166 days (Tuesday, 26 August, 2025, 04:49 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 36 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 04:49 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Leo, Prepare to Roar: The Stars Predict a Tremendous, Possibly Yuge, Cosmic Windfall - It's Going to be Great, Believe Me!"

We are currently in the sign of Leo

The Moon moves to Leo in 10 days, at Sunday, 04 August, 2024

Mercury is currently in Leo

Venus is currently in Leo

Mars moves to Leo in 102 days, at Monday, 04 November, 2024

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 19.1 days old. The next new moon is at 11:14:21, 4 Aug 2024. The next full moon is at 18:28:35, 19 Aug 2024.

Hey there, Leos! So, Mercury and Venus are both parked in your living room, eh? How's that for a cosmic house party? Both these celestial hotshots are known for their communication and love vibes, respectively. Now, you could look at this and think, "Oh great, my life's about to turn into an episode of Babylon 5 - full of cryptic messages and complicated relationships." But fear not, my lion-hearted friends! This planetary duo is actually here to spice things up. Mercury is like that nerdy friend who always knows the right thing to say... eventually. It's busy decoding the universe's Morse code, so you might find yourself unusually eloquent these days. That random trivia you learnt from a 3 am Wikipedia rabbit hole? It's about to win you a game of Trivial Pursuit or land you a date. Who said nerds aren't cool? Now Venus, the goddess of love herself, is also in Leo, making your charisma levels off the charts. Just remember that like all good sci-fi shows, too much drama can be exhausting. So make sure to balance out your new-found popularity with some quality me-time - even a star needs to recharge. As for our 19.1-day-old Waning Gibbous moon, it's like the captain of the ship saying "Full speed ahead, but mind the asteroids!" It's a time to reflect, reassess, and maybe rewatch your favorite Babylon 5 episodes. Or catch up on those online courses you signed up for (they're not gonna finish themselves, you know). So, Leos, embrace your inner geek, spread the love, and don't forget to take a breather. The universe has your back! #LeosRule #Babylon5Horoscopes #NerdyAstrologer #CosmicHouseParty #CelestialHotshots #LoveAndCommunication #WaningGibbousWisdom


SignToday Is Posting: 25.07.2024 07:42:01 (leo-25-07-2024)

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