The next Libra will start in 180 days (Tuesday, 23 September, 2025, 18:08 UTC)

The Moon moves to Libra in 15 days (Friday, 11 April, 2025, 18:08 UTC)

Mercury moves to Libra in 175 days (Thursday, 18 September, 2025, 18:08 UTC)

Venus moves to Libra in 201 days (Tuesday, 14 October, 2025, 18:08 UTC)

Mars moves to Libra in 133 days (Thursday, 07 August, 2025, 18:08 UTC)

There are no planets in Libra at this time.

Libra Report

"Libra, Better Get Your Balance Right or You'll End Up Dancing with the Stars - And Not in a Fun, TV Show Kinda Way!"

The next Libra will start in 236 days, at Monday, 23 September, 2024

The moon is currently in Libra

Mercury moves to Libra in 240 days, at Friday, 27 September, 2024

Venus moves to Libra in 212 days, at Friday, 30 August, 2024

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 19.8 days old. The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb 2024.

Hello Libra! With the moon currently in your sign, you're hosting a celestial sleepover and guess who's invited? You, the stars, the cosmos and the whole darn universe! Expect lots of cosmic pillow fights and midnight snacks that may or may not include a meteor or two. I hope you've got your space jammies on because this Waning Gibbous moon is 19.8 days old. That's right, it's been around the cosmic block a few times and it has stories to tell. It's like that weird but wise old uncle of yours, but with more craters. This week, you might feel a bit like Roy Batty from Blade Runner. No, you're not a replicant... as far as I know. But you might be feeling a bit existential, questioning life, the universe, and why you can't remember where you parked your spaceship. Don't worry though, all those 'tears in rain' moments will lead to big revelations. Just don't go picking fights with Harrison Ford, please. Now, let's get nerdy. The moon being in Libra means balance, harmony and a little bit of indecisiveness - like trying to decide between Star Wars or Star Trek (we all know the correct answer is Doctor Who). So, use this time to bring balance back into your life. And by balance, I mean learning to walk in zero gravity. Your week is looking as bright as a supernova, just make sure not to implode, okay? #LibraLife #CosmicSleepover #WaningGibbousWisdom #StarStruck #NerdyAstrologer #SpaceJammies #TearsInRain #BalanceInZeroGravity #SupernovaBright


SignToday Is Posting: 31.01.2024 08:02:01 (lib-31-01-2024)

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