The next Sagittarius will start in 241 days (Saturday, 22 November, 2025, 10:22 UTC)

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 21 days (Wednesday, 16 April, 2025, 10:22 UTC)

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 218 days (Thursday, 30 October, 2025, 10:22 UTC)

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 250 days (Monday, 01 December, 2025, 10:22 UTC)

Mars moves to Sagittarius in 224 days (Wednesday, 05 November, 2025, 10:22 UTC)

There are no planets in Sagittarius at this time.

Sagittarius Report

"Sagittarius, Heads Up! Your Archery Skills Won't Help In The Orbit Of Love!"

The next Sagittarius will start in 232 days, at Friday, 22 November, 2024

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 22 days, at Friday, 26 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 213 days, at Sunday, 03 November, 2024

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 197 days, at Friday, 18 October, 2024

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 24.5 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Sagittarius, hey, have you had your raktajino today? Because you're going to need that Klingon coffee kick. With the Waning Crescent moon at 24.5 days old, it's like we've stepped into a wormhole and ended up in the Gamma Quadrant. I just hope we don't run into any Jem'Hadar, am I right? Your adventurous spirit is being called upon. Much like my old friend Jadzia loved her adventures, this period is about exploring the unknown, seeking out new life...well, maybe not exactly like Starfleet, but you get the picture. You might feel like you're being pulled in a million directions, like the Defiant in a tractor beam, but remember, you're a Sagittarius. You've got the spirit of a Klingon warrior and the wisdom of a Vulcan. Plus, you're as lucky as Quark on a good day at his Dabo wheel. Keep your phasers set to stun, because with this lunar phase, your charm is off the charts - you're putting even James T. Kirk to shame. Be careful not to charm the wrong Ferengi though. So boldly go where no Sagittarius has gone before, and remember, the universe doesn't end just because the Waning Crescent moon is nearing its end. There's always a new adventure around the corner. #StarTrekHoroscope #WarpSpeedSagittarius #WaningCrescentAdventures #OutOfThisWorldCharm #BeamMeUpSagittarius


SignToday Is Posting: 04.04.2024 08:22:01 (sag-04-04-2024)

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