The next Sagittarius will start in 241 days (Saturday, 22 November, 2025, 11:22 UTC)

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 21 days (Wednesday, 16 April, 2025, 11:22 UTC)

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 217 days (Wednesday, 29 October, 2025, 11:22 UTC)

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 250 days (Monday, 01 December, 2025, 11:22 UTC)

Mars moves to Sagittarius in 224 days (Wednesday, 05 November, 2025, 11:22 UTC)

There are no planets in Sagittarius at this time.

Sagittarius Report

"Sagittarius, Brace Yourself for Mildly Inconvenient Cosmic Events; Universe Decides It's Your Turn to Misplace the Car Keys"

The next Sagittarius will start in 281 days, at Friday, 22 November, 2024

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 17 days, at Sunday, 03 March, 2024

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 262 days, at Sunday, 03 November, 2024

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 246 days, at Friday, 18 October, 2024

The First Quarter moon is currently 6.1 days old. The next new moon is at 9:02:45, 10 Mar 2024. The next full moon is at 7:01:37, 25 Mar 2024.

Hey there, Sagittarius! How's it going, my celestial centaurs? The First Quarter Moon is currently 6.1 days old, which in the lunar world is basically like a pre-teen — full of energy and potential, but also pretty unpredictable. So brace yourselves for a wild ride! Here's the scoop: With the moon in its youthful phase, you might feel a wave of fresh energy and ideas bubbling up. However, be sure to keep your GPS (Galactic Positioning System) handy, because these ideas might take you off the beaten track. And remember, in the words of our beloved Samantha Carter, "Just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside, doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle." You've got this, Sagittarius! This week is all about embracing the unknown and letting your adventurous spirit run wild. So go ahead, learn that new language, start that podcast you've been thinking about, or heck, even attempt to build your own Stargate if you're feeling particularly ambitious. Just remember, if your experiment does create a wormhole, be sure to follow proper interstellar health and safety guidelines. We don't want any rogue Goa'ulds gatecrashing your Tuesday night dinner. And hey, if all else fails, just remember that according to the laws of physics, not everything that's fun has to make sense. So go out there and have a blast Sagittarius, just don't forget to pack your Astro-Zat'nik'tel, just in case. #SagittariusVibes #FirstQuarterMoonMadness #ScienceHumor #StargateSagittarius #AdventurousAstrology


SignToday Is Posting: 15.02.2024 08:22:01 (sag-15-02-2024)

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