The next Sagittarius will start in 241 days (Saturday, 22 November, 2025, 16:46 UTC)

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 21 days (Wednesday, 16 April, 2025, 16:46 UTC)

Mercury moves to Sagittarius in 217 days (Wednesday, 29 October, 2025, 16:46 UTC)

Venus moves to Sagittarius in 250 days (Monday, 01 December, 2025, 16:46 UTC)

Mars moves to Sagittarius in 223 days (Tuesday, 04 November, 2025, 16:46 UTC)

There are no planets in Sagittarius at this time.

Sagittarius Report

"Sagittarius, Grab Your Bow! You're About to Shoot for the Stars...Just Don't Hit a Satellite, Okay?"

The next Sagittarius will start in 327 days, at Friday, 22 November, 2024

The Moon moves to Sagittarius in 8 days, at Monday, 08 January, 2024

Mercury is currently retrograde in Sagittarius

Venus is currently in Sagittarius

Mars is currently in Sagittarius

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.8 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Greetings, Sagittarians! It's your resident Astro-dork here, and boy, do we have a packed celestial schedule for you, straight from the astrological Voyager itself. First things first, Mercury is in retrograde in your sign. Yes, indeed. The cosmic equivalent of clicking 'Undo' on your last saved Word document. Expect some miscommunications and tech snafus. But hey, it's not a bug, it's a feature! #MercuryGotMeLike Now, Venus is also lounging about in Sagittarius, sprinkling love dust like it's going out of style. So, while Mercury may have your emails bouncing back faster than a redshirt in a transporter accident, Venus is ready to balance the scales with a little bit of lovin'. This could be an ideal time to rekindle an old flame...or maybe just binge-watch your favorite romantic comedies. #LoveActuallyIsAllAround Mars is in your corner, too. It’s like having your very own, personal Klingon warrior. Use this boost of Martian energy to tackle any difficult tasks head-on. You might feel as unstoppable as the USS Enterprise at warp speed. Just remember to keep your shields up! #KlingonEnergy Lastly, our lovely lunar lady is 18.8 days old and in her Waning Gibbous phase. She's slowly stepping back, giving you space to reflect and release. Think of it as a cosmic detox. And remember, it's okay to have a "me" moment. Even Seven of Nine needed her regeneration cycles! #MoonlightMeTime So, in conclusion, Sagittarians, while Mercury may be causing a bit of a cosmic cluster, remember - there's always a silver lining. Maybe it's love, maybe it's motivation, or maybe it's just the perfect excuse to stay in your PJ's and have a Trek marathon. Live long and prosper, Sagittarians! #StarTrekForever


SignToday Is Posting: 31.12.2023 08:22:01 (sag-31-12-2023)

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