The next Scorpio will start in 210 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 16:57 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 17 days (Sunday, 13 April, 2025, 16:57 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 193 days (Monday, 06 October, 2025, 16:57 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 225 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 16:57 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 179 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 16:57 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

The Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio

"Buckle Up, Space Cadets: Moon's Ditching Libra and Sneaking into Scorpio's Lair, Expect Emotional Tidal Waves & Intense Star Wars!"

The MoonThe Moon is moving from Libra to Scorpio in the next 24 hours.

Moon In Scorpio

Scorpio's moon reminds you to avoid distractions. Your emotions are likely running pretty strong, so make sure to focus and don't take things too personally. Don't jump to conclusions. That said, those strong emotions might be useful in your love life!

Notice that you're reacting a little more harshly. You're going to be a little more passionate. You're likely to push your limits. Take advantage of this to be more introspective of your feelings and let them guide you.

#Moon #Scorpio #Libra

Hey there, Lunar Lunatics! The Moon, your local celestial rock, is shimmying out of Libra's balanced scales and plunging into the deep, mysterious waters of Scorpio, like a space dolphin with a thing for midnight skinny dips. Libra's airy grace was all about balance, right? Like trying to balance a pencil on your nose while astride a unicycle, navigating through a field of quantum mechanics textbooks. But, now, as the Moon saunters into Scorpio's realm, it's more like that same unicycle has decided to go spelunking in the unexplored caverns of metaphysical thought experiments. Expect some intense vibes coming your way, folks. The kind of intensity that makes you question whether dark matter might just be cosmic coffee brewing in the galactic background. If you think you're smelling the rich aroma of existential ponderings, you're not alone! Embrace the depths, my astrological adventurers. Go ahead, dive into the mysteries of the universe. Why are we here? What's the meaning of life? Is string theory really just about intergalactic yarn balls? These are the questions that might tickle your neurons under this lunar influence. Just remember, as the Moon takes its cosmic plunge, it's okay to let your emotions flow. Let them rush, tumble, cascade, or even perform a synchronized swimming routine in the Olympic pool of your psyche. Embrace the profound and the perplexing. You might just discover a new dimension within yourself, or at least find a new appreciation for the phrase "emotional gravity." As we venture into this new lunar phase, remember to stay stellar, keep your telescope primed, and your mind open to the universal jest. #MoonInScorpio #LunarLaughs #AstrologyHumor #NerdyCosmicChuckles

Moon, Libra, Scorpio

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