The next Scorpio will start in 207 days (Thursday, 23 October, 2025, 21:06 UTC)

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 14 days (Sunday, 13 April, 2025, 21:06 UTC)

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 190 days (Monday, 06 October, 2025, 21:06 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 222 days (Friday, 07 November, 2025, 21:06 UTC)

Mars moves to Scorpio in 176 days (Monday, 22 September, 2025, 21:06 UTC)

There are no planets in Scorpio at this time.

Scorpio Report

"Scorpio Forecast: Invisibility Cloak Not Included, But Stealthy Success Ahead!"

We are currently in the sign of Scorpio

The Moon moves to Scorpio in 4 days, at Sunday, 12 November, 2023

Mercury is currently in Scorpio

Venus moves to Scorpio in 27 days, at Tuesday, 05 December, 2023

Mars is currently in Scorpio

The Waning Crescent moon is currently 24.8 days old. The next new moon is at 9:27:15, 13 Nov 2023. The next full moon is at 9:16:41, 27 Nov 2023.

Alright, Scorpios! Buckle up, because we are diving deep into the matrix this time, and guess what? You are Neo. Mercury, your personal Agent Smith, has entered your sign, bringing some much-needed clarity amidst the chaos. But don't get too comfortable, my code-cracking friends. This planet isn't here to play nice; it's here to challenge you, throwing tricky riddles and cryptic conversations your way faster than you can say "red pill or blue pill?" But fear not, your sharp Scorpionic intellect is more than a match for Mercury's mind games. #BrainPowerLevelUp Now, let's talk about Mars. Your ruling planet has also decided to crash your astrological party. In the Matrix, this would be like discovering you have superhuman strength. Suddenly, you're bending spoons, jumping buildings and dodging bullets (or, you know, the cosmic equivalent). Mars in Scorpio ramps up your passion and ambition, giving you the drive to conquer whatever challenges come your way. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so use your newfound energy wisely. #MarsInScorpioSuperhero And finally, let's touch on that Waning Crescent moon, currently sitting at a ripe old age of 24.8 days. Like the Oracle, the moon is here to offer you wisdom and introspection. As it dwindles, you may find yourself reflecting on past events, brooding over lost battles, or contemplating the mysteries of life. Don't fight it, embrace it! Remember, you're not just The One, you're also the many. So take this introspective journey as an opportunity to grow. #WiseOldMoon In short, Scorpios, buckle up because you're about to bend the rules of reality as you know it. Stay cool, keep decoding those cosmic messages, and remember, there is no spoon. #ScorpioMatrixMadness


SignToday Is Posting: 08.11.2023 08:12:54 (sco-08-11-2023)

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