The next Scorpio will start in 156 days (Wednesday, 23 October, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

The Moon is currently in Scorpio

Mercury moves to Scorpio in 147 days (Monday, 14 October, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

Venus moves to Scorpio in 127 days (Tuesday, 24 September, 2024, 00:38 UTC)

The Moon

Moon In Scorpio

Scorpio's moon reminds you to avoid distractions. Your emotions are likely running pretty strong, so make sure to focus and don't take things too personally. Don't jump to conclusions. That said, those strong emotions might be useful in your love life!

Notice that you're reacting a little more harshly. You're going to be a little more passionate. You're likely to push your limits. Take advantage of this to be more introspective of your feelings and let them guide you.


Scorpio is the eighth astrological sign in the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius. It spans 210°–2400° ecliptic longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area on average from October 23 to November 22.

Scorpio Report

"Scorpio Season Ahead: 'Exterminate' Your Fears and 'Ascend' to Galactic Greatness!"


Scorpio Report

"Scorpio Forecast: Mars in Retrograde Promises a Galactic Tango of Passion. Hold onto Your Telescopes!"


Scorpio Report

"Scorpio, Your Stars are Saying ‘Hasta La Vista, Baby’ to Bad Vibes: An Astrological Forecast that's More Refreshing than a Time-Travelling Robot!"


Mars is moving from Libra to Scorpio

"Mars Ditches Balancing Act in Libra to Unleash Its Inner Bad Boy in Scorpio - Buckle up, Space Cowboys!"

Scorpio Report

"Scorpio, Get Your Stingers Ready: It's Time to Face the Galactic Conundrum of a Mars Retrograde with a Side of Quantum Physics!"
