The next Taurus will start in 23 days (Sunday, 20 April, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

The Moon moves to Taurus in 3 days (Monday, 31 March, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Mercury moves to Taurus in 44 days (Sunday, 11 May, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Venus moves to Taurus in 71 days (Saturday, 07 June, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Uranus is currently in Taurus

Uranus moves to Taurus in 225 days (Saturday, 08 November, 2025, 04:30 UTC)


Uranus In Taurus

Taurus is a sign that likes things steady and stable, and isn’t the best at handling big, sudden changes. But big, sudden changes are what Uranus is all about! Taurus would prefer to stick to the status quo and keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. The problem is, the old ways aren’t always the best ways. Even if we are resistant to the changes Uranus in Taurus brings, we have no choice but to go along for the ride, and, chances are, we’ll realize in the end that these changes brought us to a much better place.

Money is Taurus’ main area of expertise, so while Uranus is in Taurus, we can expect some very revolutionary ways of handling and dealing with money, both nationwide and worldwide. During the seven years Uranus will spend in Taurus, brand-new forms of currency may arise, banks and banking could come to a halt or change dramatically, and the housing and stock markets may be in for a major shake-up.

On a more personal level, Uranus in Taurus encourages us to break free from the grips of money: debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, and mortgages are all things that can prevent us from saving money or using it the way we want to. We may also feel trapped by our material possessions in general. During this transit, we must be ready and willing to change our relationship to money and materialism.We no longer have a choice. Uranus is here to liberate us, and digging in our heels and resisting won’t make things any easier, and won’t stop these changes from happening. The changes we make during this period can actually help bring us to a point of greater stability, and can be very long-lasting.

Taurus Report

"Stellar News Alert: Taurus, Brace Yourself for a Cosmic Cattle Drive! Uranus Promises Not to Pull Any 'Bull'-oney This Month!"

The next Taurus will start in 120 days, at Saturday, 20 April, 2024

The moon is currently in Taurus

Mercury moves to Taurus in 146 days, at Thursday, 16 May, 2024

Venus moves to Taurus in 130 days, at Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Mars moves to Taurus in 170 days, at Sunday, 09 June, 2024

Jupiter is currently retrograde in Taurus

Uranus is currently retrograde in Taurus

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 10 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Greetings my Taurus buddies! So, it seems that the cosmos has decided to play the ultimate game of celestial Tetris and stacked the cosmic odds in your favor. The moon, who I like to think of as the cool aunt of the universe, is currently couchsurfing in your crib, Taurus. She’s got her feet up on your coffee table and is ready for some serious bonding time. #MoonInTaurus #FamilyReunion Jupiter, the big kahuna of the solar system, is also hanging out in your neck of the woods. But, he's in retrograde. That's right folks, Jupiter's doing the moonwalk across your star sign. So even though his energy might be a bit, shall we say, backwards, he's still bringing some serious luck to your door. You might want to buy a lottery ticket, or maybe just double down on that kale smoothie - we all know how much you earth signs love your leafy greens. #JupiterRetrograde #LuckOnRewind And then there's Uranus. This planet is also in retrograde, making it look like it's traveling backwards through your sign. Now, normally this would mean some chaos, but considering you're a creature of habit, dear Taurus, this might just shake things up in the best possible way. Expect the unexpected, like finding out that avocado toast actually tastes good with hot sauce. Who knew? #UranusRetrograde #ShakeItUp With the Waxing Gibbous moon being about 10 days old, the universe is basically screaming at us to start something new. So why not take up knitting or try to decipher the language of dolphins? It’s only slightly less complicated than understanding quantum physics...or your mother-in-law. #WaxOnWaxGibbous #NewBeginnings So, sit back, strap yourself in, and enjoy the cosmic roller coaster that is this month. Remember, you're a Taurus. You were practically born with a helmet on. #TaurusTough #BuckleUpBuddy


SignToday Is Posting: 22.12.2023 07:12:01 (tau-22-12-2023)

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