The next Taurus will start in 23 days (Sunday, 20 April, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

The Moon moves to Taurus in 3 days (Monday, 31 March, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Mercury moves to Taurus in 44 days (Sunday, 11 May, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Venus moves to Taurus in 71 days (Saturday, 07 June, 2025, 04:30 UTC)

Uranus is currently in Taurus

Uranus moves to Taurus in 225 days (Saturday, 08 November, 2025, 04:30 UTC)


Uranus In Taurus

Taurus is a sign that likes things steady and stable, and isn’t the best at handling big, sudden changes. But big, sudden changes are what Uranus is all about! Taurus would prefer to stick to the status quo and keep doing things the way they’ve always been done. The problem is, the old ways aren’t always the best ways. Even if we are resistant to the changes Uranus in Taurus brings, we have no choice but to go along for the ride, and, chances are, we’ll realize in the end that these changes brought us to a much better place.

Money is Taurus’ main area of expertise, so while Uranus is in Taurus, we can expect some very revolutionary ways of handling and dealing with money, both nationwide and worldwide. During the seven years Uranus will spend in Taurus, brand-new forms of currency may arise, banks and banking could come to a halt or change dramatically, and the housing and stock markets may be in for a major shake-up.

On a more personal level, Uranus in Taurus encourages us to break free from the grips of money: debt, taxes, credit card interest, rent, and mortgages are all things that can prevent us from saving money or using it the way we want to. We may also feel trapped by our material possessions in general. During this transit, we must be ready and willing to change our relationship to money and materialism.We no longer have a choice. Uranus is here to liberate us, and digging in our heels and resisting won’t make things any easier, and won’t stop these changes from happening. The changes we make during this period can actually help bring us to a point of greater stability, and can be very long-lasting.

Taurus Report

"Galactic Bull Market Ahead: Taurus, Prepare For Interstellar Overdrive In Love And Quarks!"

The next Taurus will start in 88 days, at Saturday, 20 April, 2024

The Moon moves to Taurus in 23 days, at Thursday, 15 February, 2024

Mercury moves to Taurus in 114 days, at Thursday, 16 May, 2024

Venus moves to Taurus in 98 days, at Tuesday, 30 April, 2024

Mars moves to Taurus in 138 days, at Sunday, 09 June, 2024

Jupiter is currently in Taurus

Uranus is currently retrograde in Taurus

The Waxing Gibbous moon is currently 12.5 days old. The next new moon is at 23:00:44, 9 Feb 2024. The next full moon is at 12:31:19, 24 Feb 2024.

Hey you bullish beauties, Taurus! Buckle up because I'm about to drop some serious interstellar knowledge bombs on ya. First off, Jupiter is currently crashing at your place. That's right, the big J has moved into your astrological living room, and he's brought his collection of cosmic party tricks and galactic wisdom with him. You're gonna start feeling expansive, like a supernova ready to pop, or like you've eaten one too many donuts. Don't worry, it's just the influence of Jupiter, not a sudden sugar rush. It's time to embrace bigger things in life, just remember not to go overboard, we wouldn't want you to turn into a black hole of desires, would we? #JupiterInMyHouse Next up, Uranus is flipping the script and going retro in your sign. Now, before you get all antsy, this isn't like when your internet goes down and you can't stream your favorite space opera (I feel you, Farscape fans). Uranus Retrograde is all about inner change. Imagine you're a computer getting a software update. You might feel a bit glitchy for a while, but when it's over, you'll be running smoother than ever. So, brace for some self-reckoning, dear Taurus! #RetroUranus Lastly, our beautiful moon is in Waxing Gibbous phase. Being 12.5 days old, it's nearly full but not quite there yet, kind of like that last piece of pizza that you’re saving for later. This is a time for refinement and reassessment. So, take a break from your usual bull-in-a-china-shop approach and tread carefully. Evaluate and fine-tune your plans before bulldozing ahead. #WaxOnWaxGibbous So, in nutshell, Jupiter’s urging you to expand, Uranus is pushing for an internal upgrade, and the Moon’s telling you to refine and reassess. It’s a cosmic smorgasbord, Taurus! Enjoy the ride and remember, keep your hooves on the ground but let your horns reach for the stars! #TaurusTrippin


SignToday Is Posting: 23.01.2024 07:12:02 (tau-23-01-2024)

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