The next Leo will start in 114 days (Tuesday, 22 July, 2025, 17:48 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo in 7 days (Sunday, 06 April, 2025, 17:48 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 89 days (Friday, 27 June, 2025, 17:48 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 148 days (Monday, 25 August, 2025, 17:48 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 19 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 17:48 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Leo, Brace Yourself: The Stars Predict a 'Mane' Event of Galactic Proportions - Time to Roar or Snore!"

The next Leo will start in 313 days, at Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

The Moon moves to Leo in 24 days, at Sunday, 08 October, 2023

Mercury moves to Leo in 293 days, at Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

Venus is currently in Leo

The New moon is currently 28.8 days old. The next new moon is at 1:40:05, 15 Sep 2023. The next full moon is at 9:58:21, 29 Sep 2023.

Hey there, Leos! So, Venus decided to hang out in your sign, huh? Well, that's like inviting a cosmic influencer to your starry party. She is the Kim Kardashian of the planetary system, all about beauty, love, and let's not forget, selfies! Venus in Leo is like having your own personal stylist. Your charisma is on fire, as if you just stepped off a spaceship, and everyone's wondering, "Who's that alien? Can I get their autograph?". Remember to use this star-powered influence wisely, my brave lions. Don't just roar for attention, but inspire others with your courage and creativity. With the New moon being almost 29 days old, it's just like that eccentric aunt who shows up late to family gatherings, bearing weird but fascinating gifts. In this case, her gift to you is a fresh start. It's time to clear out the cosmic cobwebs and make room for new dreams. Now, about the incoming full moon... It's arriving at 9:58:21 on September 29th, 2023. That's oddly specific, right? Just like when the Doctor says he'll be back in five minutes, and then shows up two years later... But, this punctual moon phase isn't pulling a timey-wimey trick on you. It's bringing clarity, completion, and a spotlight that could rival any TARDIS console. So, Leos, strut your stuff, dream big, and let your inner star shine brighter than a supernova. And remember, the universe doesn't make mistakes, you're exactly where you're supposed to be... unless you've accidentally landed on Skaro, then you might want to check your coordinates! #LeoLove #VenusInLeo #NewMoonVibes #FullMoonMagic #CosmicComedy


SignToday Is Posting: 14.09.2023 07:42:01 (leo-14-09-2023)

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