The next Leo will start in 117 days (Wednesday, 23 July, 2025, 04:50 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo in 9 days (Sunday, 06 April, 2025, 04:50 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 91 days (Friday, 27 June, 2025, 04:50 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 151 days (Tuesday, 26 August, 2025, 04:50 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 21 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 04:50 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Leo, Expect a Roaring Good Time: Supernovas Have Nothing on Your Star Power This Month!"

The next Leo will start in 117 days, at Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

The Moon moves to Leo in 19 days, at Tuesday, 16 April, 2024

Mercury moves to Leo in 97 days, at Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

Venus moves to Leo in 106 days, at Friday, 12 July, 2024

Mars moves to Leo in 221 days, at Monday, 04 November, 2024

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 17.5 days old. The next new moon is at 18:23:21, 8 Apr 2024. The next full moon is at 23:51:09, 23 Apr 2024.

Hey there, Leo! It seems like you've been caught by the gravitational pull of the Waning Gibbous! Relax, no need to call NASA. This moon, currently in its 17.5 days old glory, is here to illuminate your path, not lead you into a black hole. But hey, if it did, wouldn't that be a shortcut to another universe? Always look on the bright side, right? This phase of the moon is all about releasing and letting go. Like that half-eaten bag of chips you've been hoarding for a month. Let's be real, those crisps have seen better days - much like the Moon in its full phase. It's time to let go and make room for the new. Don't worry, this applies to life, not just your snacks! Now, coming back from the interstellar journey and landing back on Earth, let's focus on YOU. Leos are known for their courage and leadership. So, you're basically the Captain Kirk of your own Starship Enterprise. But remember, even Kirk had Spock. It's okay to rely on your crew sometimes. After all, what's a captain without his team? Just a dude with an eccentric chair. In the love department, the stars are aligning for you. You might meet someone who shares your passion for Star Wars or maybe your admiration for Neil deGrasse Tyson's interpretation of astrophysics. Either way, be open to exploring new galaxies together. So, dear Leo, it's time to boldly go where no Leo has gone before. Embrace the unknown, let go of the past, and keep your eyes on the stars (and your feet on the ground). Life's not about avoiding meteor showers, but learning to dance in the cosmic rain. #WaningGibbousVibes #LeoLeadership #AstroNerdAlert #CosmicRainDance #SciFiLoveLife


SignToday Is Posting: 28.03.2024 07:42:01 (leo-28-03-2024)

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