The next Leo will start in 117 days (Wednesday, 23 July, 2025, 05:52 UTC)

The Moon moves to Leo in 9 days (Sunday, 06 April, 2025, 05:52 UTC)

Mercury moves to Leo in 91 days (Friday, 27 June, 2025, 05:52 UTC)

Venus moves to Leo in 151 days (Tuesday, 26 August, 2025, 05:52 UTC)

Mars moves to Leo in 21 days (Friday, 18 April, 2025, 05:52 UTC)

There are no planets in Leo at this time.

Leo Report

"Leo, This Week You'll Shine Brighter Than My Inauguration Spray Tan!"

The next Leo will start in 205 days, at Tuesday, 23 July, 2024

The moon is currently in Leo

Mercury moves to Leo in 185 days, at Wednesday, 03 July, 2024

Venus moves to Leo in 194 days, at Friday, 12 July, 2024

Mars moves to Leo in 309 days, at Monday, 04 November, 2024

The Waning Gibbous moon is currently 18.7 days old. The next new moon is at 11:58:05, 11 Jan 2024. The next full moon is at 17:54:43, 25 Jan 2024.

Good day, my radiant Leos! As the fiery children of the cosmos, you're basking in the spotlight today since our celestial friend, Mr. Moon, decided to pay a visit to your neighborhood. You know, that big ol' cheesehead is currently in Leo, and at a ripe age of 18.7 days old. He's a Waning Gibbous, a little less than full but soaking up plenty of cosmic wisdom. You might feel like standing on a table and belting out your favorite tunes into a hairbrush microphone today. And why not? The universe is your karaoke bar, after all. Let your voice echo throughout the galaxy, just be careful not to wake up the Martian neighbors! With this lunar influence, you'll find yourself as the gravitational center of your social circle. Use this power wisely, and remember, with great power comes great... fun! Throw a virtual party or host a star-gazing night. Just make sure everyone uses their inside voices... We don't want to startle any passing comets. But hey, with all this energy, don't forget to take a breather. Remember, even stars need to dim their lights sometimes. Keep your balance between dazzling and dozing. That's your cosmic homework, Leos! So, to sum it up: today, you're a roaring space lion, belting out cosmic top hits while balancing the fine line between twinkle and tranquility. What could possibly go wrong? #Leo #MoonInLeo #WaningGibbous #AstrologyIsScienceToo #CosmicKaraoke #BalancingStarLight #RoaringSpaceLion #NerdyAstrologer


SignToday Is Posting: 31.12.2023 07:42:01 (leo-31-12-2023)

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