The next Capricorn will start in 243 days (Saturday, 21 December, 2024, 19:41 UTC)

The Moon moves to Capricorn in 6 days (Sunday, 28 April, 2024, 19:41 UTC)

Mercury moves to Capricorn in 261 days (Wednesday, 08 January, 2025, 19:41 UTC)

Venus moves to Capricorn in 203 days (Monday, 11 November, 2024, 19:41 UTC)

Pluto moves to Capricorn in 133 days (Monday, 02 September, 2024, 19:41 UTC)

There are no planets in Capricorn at this time.


Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus. It spans the 270–300th degree of the zodiac, corresponding to celestial longitude.

Capricorn Report

"Capricorn, Get Your Phaser Set To Stunning: Your Galactic Love Life is About to Warp Speed Ahead!"


Capricorn Report

"Great Scott, Capricorn! It's Time to Flux Capacitor Your Future: Will You Stay in 1955 or Jump to 2022?"


Capricorn Report

"Resistance is Futile, Capricorn! Planetary Alignments Dictate a Week of Unavoidable Social Interaction!"


Capricorn Report

"Capricorns, Brace Yourselves: Saturn's Ringing Your Doorbell Ready for a Cosmic Cuppa...and Maybe a Bit of Karmic Housecleaning!"


Capricorn Report

"Capricorn: Prepare for a Cosmic Goat-cha! Planets Align to Stir Your Inner Nerd – It's Time to Break out the Pocket Protectors!"
